Need to know now
Parking permits in Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 17 are sold out. Permits are available in lot 12. 1. Login to the parking portal at 2. Use "Network Login" with your College 3. Click on Order Permits".
4. Once you agree to the terms of service, please select the permit type you would like. 5. Click Join Waiting List to join the waitlist.
6. Our Parking Services office will contact you when a space becomes available.
The College also offers several Park, Pay and Go options on campus with daily parking rates available in both Lot 12 ($12/day maximum) and the Visitor Parking Lot 7 ($18/day), located next to P & T Buildings. Find you lot on our Parking Map!
If you have further questions about parking, check out our FAQ or contact us at
Licence Plate Recognition Parking Services uses Licence Plate Recognition to identify valid permit holders. Make sure your license plate is up to date when you purchase your parking option. 10% off when buying Multipacks Our multipacks are currently available in lots #12. Multipacks, along with other parking options, can be purchased using the Honk Mobile app or at Permits in Pembroke and Perth Permits for the regional campuses are also available online during the same time frames noted above. Parking Infraction Appeals All individuals who receive a Parking Infraction Notice (PIN) may file an appeal with the Parking Office within (10) days of the infraction date. To do so, please log in to your parking account at: